Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The L0st Symbol

The habit of reading book was fading away fast from the time I had l come out of college.. There were times when the entire Sidney Sheldon collection was completed while my lec(tor)turerers were busy polluting the air with noise under the name of so called education. But these days it has become a herculian task to sit in a place for some time and indulge in any calm activity.

But there are few books that make u sit in a place and grab your undivided attention and grip you into it. All of Dan Brown's books have that potential. After reading the first book I became a die hard fan of him and his works..

Wikipedia told me that the next book of Dan Brown was in pipeline which roused my spirits and finally the day came when the book was out.. After few minutes of search I got an e book.

After few hours I completed the book, Needles to say Dan Brown has some sentiment that all his books should start with someone dying, This guy is following a pattern.. If you had read Da vinci code and Angels & Demons [If you have only watched the pathetic Tom Hanks movies Im sorry you need to read the real thing] this book falls into the same plot.

Here is the pattern. Someone gets killed--> he leaves clues--> there is always a gal beside Langdon --> they solve the clues--> Villan is also a history freak--> finally Tamil Cinema Climax.

This was good for the 2 europian histories. But American history is defenitely not intersting. Imagine A country with no account of any ancient civilization, a mere history starting from the 18th century is not that attractive. Moreover most of the facts were told in National Treasure Movies.

Imagine, How much someone can take in the entire concept of US presidents doin out of the world things.. Imagine They even claim US presidents directly involved in Alien Robot cover ups[NBE 1 AKA Megatron]

Coming back to the Lost Symbol, Even the antagonist is not that powerful, its really hard to digest that someone who spent all his life as a gal chaser gets all the intel to join one of the most famous brotherhood after spending a night in some rotten Jail. And to worsen things up he is not even brilliant, comparing the Hassasin from A&D.

Also, Dan Brown managed to hit load of facts in this book as well, But the interesting ones are always the non masonic ones. Few un answered questions again. Wasn't the pyramid of Illumination a concept of Illuminati rather than the Freemasons? If Illuminati had infiltrated the Masons and inflicted their thoughts wats so good about Masons. It was always the knowledge of Illuminati and they were the ones associated with knowledge. Masons were just the politicians.

After the first books of Brown The Lost Symbol had so many expectations, which was satisfied to great extent. Excellent intel on Washington DC. But again, the comments are from my perspective. I still love Angels and demons and Digital Fortress for the data and the detailing


  1. Me liked A&D and Deception Point better. Heard some critics say that in between the plots he somehow plays around with his own gift.

  2. I can only improvise on the famous quote.
